Monday, September 26, 2016

Authentic Purpose > Increasing intrinsic motivation

Authentic Purpose
Increasing intrinsic motivation > Breadth Studio Activities
Understand and be able to cultivate creativity strategies and improve time management.

Access Prior Knowledge:
“The basic task in the creative process is to bring together, in some useful fashion, ideas which are usually remote from each other.”  
~ S.A. Mednick

Instructional Strategy
  • Ques
Learning Activity
  • Autonomy - Mastery - Purpose

Instructional Strategy
  • Deepen Understanding
Learning Activity

New Information:

Authentic Goal Setting - Seeking Purpose
As humans, our behavior is strongly goal-directed.  Every action we want to believe is for a reason.  We can better channel our energy and manage our time when we focus our attention.  When we reach our goals, our self-esteem increases, which raises our positivity which increases our motivation to overcome obstacles which propels us to carry on.  

Self-knowledge is essential.  To be effective, goals must be authentic.  No matter how hard we try, we can never really fulfill our potential when pursuing goals set by others.  Identifying our true interests, strengths, and objectives can be liberating.  The following exercise can help clarify personal interests.  

Instructional Strategy
  • Deepen Understanding
Learning Activity
Watch > Play, Passion & Purpose - Tony Wagner > 
Create > Interest Inventory
Part 1
  1. In my sketchbook, I will spontaneously fill a page with as many personal characteristics & attributes, such as ‘I am creative,’ ‘I love music,’ ‘I’m fun.’
  2. Using circles, squares or highlighters, identify and list themes defining them in terms of strengths and interests?   
  3. On a fresh page, write ‘Why Not?’ responses.  For example, ‘Why not travel to Africa?’  ‘Why not learn Italian?’  ‘Why not master Taekwondo?’
  4. Now, put this aside (let it rest until tomorrow) and let my subconscious play with the possibilities suggested.  
Part 2
  1. Organize my notes into interest categories:  1. intellectual, 2. relationships, 3. spiritual or emotional, 4. physical fitness or activity, 5. adventure.  
  2. Choose one interest from each category and write an action strategy.  
    Be specific!  “I want to paint people” is too vague.  “I will paint the human form” is better.  “I will paint the human form engaged in taekwondo” is better still.  This defines specifics and provides tangible actions:  I now know what to do.  
  3. Prioritize my actions and develop a timetable, listing daily, weekly, and semester goals.  This will provide clear targets.  Not to create a straitjacket, I may make adjustments as necessary.

Read More:

Art References:
Christo and Jeanne-Claude >
Marisol Escobar >

Apply Knowledge and Skills:

Art Think
  1. Identify:  Set the problem or task, identify the subject
  2. Analyze:  Examine the subject; break it down, classify it.
  3. Ideate: Think, fantasize, generate options, relate, rearrange, reconstruct.
  4. Select:  Choose your best option.
  5. Implement:  Put your ideas into action, imagination into tangible form.
  6. Evaluate:  Assess the result.  Think about new options,Go back to Step 1.

Choose one of the following concepts as the ‘springboard’ to a metaphoric visual statement.
*(you must bring in your own objects)
  • Metaphors are statements based on some kind of an analogy.
  • An analogy is where two things are compared to each other.
  • A visual metaphor allows knowledge to be seen in a new perspective.

Create > Studio Activity: Animated Object Metaphor

The central idea of my concentration is to Imbuing objects with human characteristics.

Trigger Mechanisms:  allegory, personification, empathize, fantasize

Studio:  Find an interesting discarded object:  an old radio, steam iron, telephone, fan…  Add features:  eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, and so on, using wadded paper and masking tape.  Cover the entire object with strips of paper-mâché (paper dipped in ½ glue ½ water mixture)  Build up the surface three or four layers.  Decorate with paint in an art history style.

Create > Studio Activity: Transforming Derelict Objects Metaphor

The central idea of my concentration is to create an aesthetic piece from a derelict object.

Trigger Mechanisms:  allegory, personification, empathize, fantasize

Studio:  Find an interesting object from the garage, attic, or second-hand store.  Transform the object by covering its entire surface with textural materials:  mosaic, pebbles, glass, mirrors, feathers, flocking, yarn, paper, sand, photos, rope, coins, marble or granite chips, smaller objects… Do this by using white glue:  spread glue on the surface, then sprinkle fine particle materials such as sand, marble dust, or sawdust on it.  Use tile cement to attach heavier materials.

Create > Studio Activity: Disguising Metaphor

The central idea of my concentration is to alter the perceptions of an object through camouflage or disguise.

Trigger Mechanisms:  allegory, personification, empathize, fantasize

Studio:  Possibilities include wrapping a 3D object with cloth, thin polyurethane, or some other flexible material.  Bind the object with rope, tape, twine, or wire.

Generalize, Publish and Reflect:
“revive the spirit of inventiveness by allowing yourself the freedom to consider the unconventional and probe the possibilities of the impossible.”  – John Barell

Instructional Strategy
  • Evaluate the results
Learning Activity
Reflect > Should I go back and rework anything?
  • How did you combine art elements (line, color, shape, texture, value)  to develop art principles? (Unity/variety, balance, emphasis contrast, rhythm, proportion/scale, figure/ground relationship)
  • Where are the dominant shapes, forms, colors, or textures that carry expressive significance?
  • Why Is the work ordered and balanced or chaotic and disturbing?
  • What gives the work its uniqueness?
  • Is symbolism used in the work to convey meaning other than what one sees?
  • Does the work evoke any feelings?

Instructional Strategy
  • Providing Recognition
Learning Activity
Publish > Share your album to our G+Community > Concepts & Creations category
Display > Add your photos to the Event

Instructional Strategy
  • Providing Feedback
Learning Activity
Critique >
  • Give positive feedback > +1 every image that deserves it
  • Give peer feedback > Give 2 peer images a VTS critique >
Self-assess >

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