Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Create > Sighting a Structure Pen and Watercolor

Create > Sighting a Structure Pen and Watercolor

Accurately render the cubic form of an exterior structure in pen and watercolor.

Access Prior Knowledge:
Instructional Strategy
  • Generate Mental Images
Learning Activity
Imagine > The Rule of Thirds Grid on your paper.  
Place the area of emphasis on a line of third or the intersection thereof.

New Information:
Instructional Strategy
  • Deepen Understanding
Learning Activity
Understand > The Sighting Technique
Sighting is a process of comparing the relationships of angles, points, shapes and spaces.  Shapes and forms visually change as you change your position or perspective.  Use your pencil or straight edge to ‘calculate’ the angles of the the shapes relative to horizontal or vertical. The skill of sighting angles, widths, lengths and placements is essential to drawing.  Your drawing will proceed with greater accuracy as you grow accustom to the technique of sighting.  The key is to see space as a group of diminishing shapes.

Apply Knowledge & Skills:

Instructional Strategy
  • Nonlinguistic Representations
Learning Activity
Create > Sighting a Structure Pen and Watercolor
  1. Position yourself far enough away and in a location that captures at least two sides/planes of an exterior structure.  
  2. Imagine the rule of thirds grid on your paper and place the area of emphasis along a line of thirds or on the intersection of two of them
  3. Draw vertical and horizontal lines parallel to your paper's edges.
  4. Render a vertical line where two walls come together.
  5. Sight the upper roof line and notice the angle at which those lines leave your pencil. (Fig.8-21)
  6. Draw those lines leaving the vertical line at the same angles. (Fig.8-22)
  7. Do the same sighting and drawing at the bottom of your vertical line (where the walls meet the ground)
  8. Work your way forward checking every angle (moldings, pictures, doorways, windows…) relative to vertical and horizontal sighting.
  9. Sight the relative widths and lengths of walls, cabinets, furniture and other objects.

Visual Examples:

Generalize, Reflect & Publish:
Instructional Strategy
  • Evaluate the results
Learning Activity
Reflect > Should I go back and rework anything?
  • How did you combine art elements (line, color, shape, texture, value)  to develop art principles? (Unity/variety, balance, emphasis contrast, rhythm, proportion/scale, figure/ground relationship)
  • Where are the dominant shapes, forms, colors, or textures that carry expressive significance?
  • Why Is the work ordered and balanced or chaotic and disturbing?
  • What gives the work its uniqueness?
  • Is symbolism used in the work to convey meaning other than what one sees?
  • Does the work evoke any feelings?

Instructional Strategy
  • Providing Recognition
Learning Activity
Publish > Share your album to our G+Community > Concepts & Creations category
Display > Add your photos to the Event

Instructional Strategy
  • Providing Feedback
Learning Activity
Critique >
  • Give positive feedback > +1 every image that deserves it
  • Give peer feedback > Give 2 peer images a VTS critique >
Self-assess >

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