Create > Surreal Interior in perspective
Goal: Create a fantasy interior space using linear perspective and surrealist influences.
Studio Activity:
- Emphasize the imaginative powers of the subconscious.
- Show a strange and unreal-like imagery in the collage.
- Create a perspective drawing in pen & ink based on your collage.
- Use a variety of ink shading techniques.
- Use compositional principles like balance, center of interest, and harmony.
- Take a photo of the space you’ve chosen to depict and print it in black and white.
- Find the vanishing point(s) by lining up rulers with the lines in the room. Draw a few of these lines directly on your print in red pen.
- Fantasize your space to trigger surreal, preposterous, outrageous, bizarre thoughts.
- Topple mental and sensory expectations.
- How far out can you extend your imagination?
- Think: “What-if” thoughts: What if automobiles were made of brick? What if alligators played pool? What if insects grew larger than humans? What if night and day occurred simultaneously?
- Quickly create a collage by gluing images found in magazines, online etc. to create a fantasy environment inside your room. *You will use this collage to make a drawing, the collage will NOT go in your portfolio, it’s just a guide for your drawing.
- Use the collage to create a drawing. Sketch in pencil first, starting with the vanishing points and major parts of the room. Then add shading using various pen & ink techniques. *Remember, you CANNOT just print out one picture from the internet and copy it. YOU should take the photo yourself, or use a collage that combines several different photos.
Trigger Mechanisms: Fantasy, Space, Surrealism, Dreams
Visual Examples:
The old masters:
Salvador Dali >
Remedios Varo >
Rene Magritte >
Georgio de Chirico >
Max Ernst >
New masters:
Josh Keyes >
Examples of interior spaces and rooms by master surrealist artists.

Examples of surrealist collages of interior spaces:
Examples that use hatching, cross-hatching, etc to create shading and a sense of depth.
Student examples
These AP student examples are in color and are completely random. Many of these are the surreal bedroom homework assignment.
This isn’t easy and it takes a real understanding of how perspective works. First, you’ll need to figure out if your photo is in ONE OR TWO POINT perspective. I can help you with this, but the easiest way is to line up several rulers (or pencils or anything straight) along the horizontal receding lines in the photo, like the edge of the wall & ceiling. If they all line up with one point (which may be waaaaay off the edge of the paper), then it’s one point perspective. Or if they seem to be going in different directions, then it’s probably 2 point. BE SURE YOU KNOW WHICH YOU’RE DEALING WITH before you start your drawing!
Below are some 2-point interior perspective samples- also simple, no surreal stuff… Just basic images that will help show you how to tackle 2-point perspective!
Some of the earliest and finest examples interior spaces using linear perspective. These examples also show you HOW to find the vanishing points in a photograph.
Here you can see how the vanishing points were found on a photo by lining up two or three lines going the same direction. I often do this using two rulers.
If you’re doing 2-point it’s often best if your vanishing points are FAR away from each other, even beyond the edge of the paper. Feel free to put them on the drawing board. Just be sure they’re level by using a yardstick to make a horizon line.
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