Analyze > Expressionist Artwork
- Analogical Thinking Image Analysis
- Analogical Thinking Image Analysis

Willem de Kooning
American, born Netherlands, 1904–1997
American, born Netherlands, 1904–1997
Excavation, 1950
Analyze an abstract expressionist artwork in an effort to establish analogies about creativity used in art and other disciplines.
- Go to The Institute of Art of Chicago > and find an abstract expressionsist art work.
- Go to Thinklink > and past the URL of the artwork.
- Tag - The Artist's name & What is the title of the artwork
- Tag - The title of the artwork.
Analyze: (Specify the intended meaning of the artwork.)
- Tag - a significant quotation that describes the tone of the artwork and explain how the quotation as an analogy provides a deeper understanding of the artwork and its meaning.
- Tag - a ‘soundtrack’ for this artwork on YouTube and explain why you choose that particular music for this particular artwork? What or how the tempo / melody of the music similar to something in the artwork.

Hans Hofmann
American, born Germany, 1880-1966
American, born Germany, 1880-1966
Blue Rhythm, 1950
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