Concentration Topic > The Positivity Portfolio

Complete > everything highlighted in yellow.
The Big Idea:
Photography has the power to move us to become more positive.
Essential Questions:
- How will photography help me become more positive?
- Why is positivity beneficial?
- What is a Positivity Portfolio?
- Positivity changes how your mind works.
- You can train your mind to increase your positivity.
- Positivity transforms us for the better. (more receptive and creative)
- Positivity Portfolios trigger your own positive upward spiral toward flourishing.
- Understand and apply > media, techniques, and processes with skill
- Use design > principles and functions
- Choose and evaluate > subject matter and ideas
- Reflect upon and assess > the characteristics and merits of both mine and other’s work
- Make connections > between my art and other aspects of life
Goal: Know that positivity is beneficial and can be elicited through images.
Access Prior Knowledge:
Instructional Strategy
- Cues and Questions
Learning Activity
New Information:
Instructional Strategy
- Cues and Questions
Learning Activity
Apply Knowledge & Skills:
Instructional Strategy
- Cues and Questions
Learning Activity
Supplemental Information >
- Transcript > Abundance is our Future >
Generalize, Reflect & Publish:
Required Work Checklist: