Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Evaluate > Sandy Skoglund

Instructional Strategy
  • Practice
Learning Activity
  • Evaluate > Sandy Skoglund 
  • Support > In the comment section > Prove it
    • Claim > Sandy Skoglund is a picture director.  
    • Prove it > What clues does 'Radioactive Cats' provide to substantiate that claim?


  1. Clues that 'Radioactive Cats' provide to substantiate the claim is how Sandy took a picture of the scene first and painted the image unto a canvas.

  2. David DeWitt

    1-the elder women and man are hungry and are looking for food so the cats are drawing their attention to the fridge. 2-Everything is the same color but the cats 3- The chair is scratched up most likely from the cats.
